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Trenchless Sewer Repair Bakersfield CA

No Trench Digging Required

With new trenchless sewer repair technology offered by The Plumbing Doc, your entire sewer pipe is replaced from small access points which means your yard, walkways, porches, and driveways, stay intact. No major excavation is required.

Saves Time

Most trenchless sewer repairs completed by The Plumbing Doc are completed in just one day. This means you won't have to put up with a week of dirt piles, parked excavation equipment, or unsafe trenches for you and your family.

Saves Money

Because there is no need to dig up your yard, the expense of having to re-landscape or repair structures, walkways, or driveways is eliminated.

Rated To Last For 50+ Years

Seams in existing sewer lines can leak, corrode, and allow root infestation. With trenchless sewer repair, pipes are seamless meaning there are highly resistant to leaking and future root intrusion, the leading cause of sewer line failures and are rated to last for at least 50 years.


TSR Trenchless

Trenchless Division

Bakersfield, CA 93304

PH: (877) 759-5082


Proudly Serving All Of Kern County CA


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